Lotto Systems for 6-Ball Lottery Games, Incl 8-ball Lotto Systems, 9-ball Lotto Systems, 10-ball Lotto Systems and 12-ball Lotto Systems

Lotto System 10 Alternatives

At 210 games for a Full Lotto System 10, it makes sense to look for alternatives that have some sort of guarantee.

What if you could save 200 of those games and still have a Conditional Guarantee of First Prize?  Now you can – And it is free!  Just sign up at the top right and you will get your about a week after signing up (you get a free lotto system 8 and a free lotto system 9 first, a few days apart).

The Secret is to play your Conditional Lotto System 10 as “Any 3 of 5 Pairs.”  If you have all 6 contained within 3 pairs – you have First Prize! In just 10 games.

This is a great .  Play 5 sets of 10 lotto numbers and you can cover all 49 numbers and 1 twice.  At 50 games to cover all 49 numbers it is beginning to move towards a Lotto Group System but if you want to play individually simply play 10, 20, 30 numbers – whatever sits comfortably within your budget.

Done For You Lotto System 10Is there a Pro upgrade to this Free Lotto System 10? Yep. At least 5 numbers together no matter where the 6 winning numbers are in your chosen 10 requires just 18 games – but remember if the 6 numbers are within just 3 of your pairs then all 6 winning lotto numbers WILL be together. To guarantee 5 winning lotto numbers or more together even if the 6 winning numbers are spread across 5 pairs requires only 18 games, so a sensible upgrade.

To guarantee that if you only have 4 winning lotto numbers they WILL be together requires just 24 games.  Each step-up improves your chances of a payout but increases the cost of playing – So make staying within a sensible budget your top priority.

To move to a 5-from-5 winning lotto system involves playing 63 games BUT I suggest multiple versions of the lower level systems, preferably playing ALL of the lotto numbers in your particular lottery.

To purchase the Pro version of , simply click here: PayPal.Me/TerryFisher/10



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